DIY Deodorant

I know what you are thinking, and I used to be one of those people, trust me. I once had a friend that would use a deodorant crystal (it’s a thing, look it up) and I gave her such a tough time about it. In retrospect, I should have been questioning why she was trying something different from the standard deodorants. There has been a lot of studies done on aluminum-based antiperspirants and deodorants and whether they cause cancer, Alzheimer’s, or kidney disease over the years. At this point, there is no definitive science proving they do but I still can’t help but question the real need for the aluminum-based compound to begin with. It is added to temporarily plugs the sweat ducts and stops you from sweating. Sweating is normal and a safe way of releasing toxins from your body. Why stop your body from doing something it is meant to do by adding an ingredient with a questionable reputation? Not only that but it can cause various skin irritations depending on your skin. I know not everyone will feel the same way, especially those who struggle with hyperhidrosis. I have always been lucky that even after my most intense workouts, I don’t have a problem with odor. I also am lucky to not sweat much outside of working out, so I don’t have a need for clinical deodorant. This recipe makes about ¾ of a cup of deodorant and can easily be poured into an old deodorant tube or mason jar. I found a three pack of small jars with clamp lids at Tuesday Morning for $7 and liked the idea of them matching, but any jar or container with a sealable lid will do. I put mine in the fridge for a couple of hours after I made it, so it would set up and it has kept its solid shape for the most part. I use a couple of fingers to rub it into both arm pits anywhere I would put regular deodorant. After a couple days of using it, it softened up and I got more on my hand than I wanted to so keep that in mind. It stays solid but doesn’t take much pressure to get what you need. On hot summer days here in Vegas, I find I do have to occasionally pop it back in the fridge to gets its solid form back. What I like about it is it not only smells great (I used lavender and tea tree essential oils) but it dries quickly and stays dry. Workouts since making the switch haven’t been affected and every time it not only keeps me dry, but I don’t smell which was a concern for me. It took me about ten minutes to make plus the hardening time but it’s so worth the time and money (which wasn’t much) to have peace of mind on what I am putting on my body. The cool thing too about having things like essential oils, coconut oil, and baking soda on hand, you always have what you need to make so many home and body products. This lasts me about 5-6 months. I do find doing an armpit detox every couple of months helps during those particularly hot days where you might smell. I found this also helpful when you first make the switch from regular deodorant because your body is adjusting and releasing toxins. You can google pit detoxes and find several recipes with the same basic ingredients. It’s mainly bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar, and water. Have you every thought about making your own deodorant and what’s holding you back? Let me know if you tried this recipe and what you thought of it. Also, let me know your favorite essential oil combos so I can try them next time!

Thanks for reading,



DIY Deodorant

DIY Deodorant
Yield: 3/4 cup
Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 5 MinTotal time: 20 Min


  • 3 tbsp Shea Butter (I used Palmer’s Raw Shea Balm)
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil (If you have an allergy to coconut oil, you can use cocoa butter. I used Trader Joe’s organic coconut oil)
  • 2 ½ tbsp baking soda
  • 3 tbsp cornstarch (or arrowroot if that is what you have. They are essentially the same thing for this purpose)
  • 35 drops of essential oils. (I used lavender and tea tree, but you can experiment with combo scents that are complementary to each other.)


  1. Measure out baking soda and cornstarch and put to the side. Make a double boiler and add both the shea butter and coconut oil to it. Keep stirring until both are completely melted and blended together then pull off the heat. Add in dry mixture and stir until completely mixed with the butter oil. Once fully mixed, add your favorite essential oils and mix until you reach a scent you are happy with. Pour into the reusable container you plan on using and let it cool in room temp before moving to the fridge to harden for a couple of hours. If you feel like you can heat up the butter oil combo in the container you plan on using easily, you can do so to eliminate the extra step. The container I wanted to use was small and I wanted the space a bowl gave me to thoroughly mix everything.


This recipe makes about ¾ of a cup of deodorant and can easily be poured into an old deodorant tube or mason jar. I found a three pack of small jars with clamp lids at Tuesday Morning for $7 and liked the idea of them matching, but any jar or container with a sealable lid will do. I put mine in the fridge for a couple of hours after I made it, so it would set up and it has kept its solid shape for the most part.


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