Eco-Friendly Rentals: Why They’re Easy to Come By Nowadays

**Lisa Walker from reached out to me and asked me if she could write an article about eco-friendly renting for the blog. This is always something I am looking for when checking out new places to live, so I loved the idea of sharing helpful tips with you. Little steps make all the difference and you would be surprised at how many places are willing to fulfill your requests to save everyone money. These tips are money saving but also environmentally friendly too.

Thanks to Lisa for taking the time to share her knowledge with us and make sure you take a look at her website here.

Eco-Friendly Rentals

For green-minded people looking to rent, finding an eco-friendly place is no longer a big a challenge as it once was. Nowadays, more and more places are green-conscious in their overall design and style, and there are options to fit every budget. It's as simple as knowing where to look and what to look for that will assist you in choosing the best eco-friendly rental for you. Entire communities are working together to transition into a more just and caring environment to allow you to find not just an eco-friendly rental home, but an entire community of like-minded individuals and businesses to go with it.

 Solar Panels

 Solar paneled houses are one of those eco-friendly designs you can't help but take notice of. In addition to being rather eye-catching, their overall impact is much more significant - from a cost as well as an environmentally friendly perspective. In fact, solar-paneled houses are a green trend that is often highly preferred over traditional housing these days. So, why not get in on the trend by finding an innovative solar-paneled space to rent, too? As a bonus, you’ll save money on your utility bills every month, a major plus for millennials on a budget.

Water-efficient showerheads

 Finding ways to reduce water consumption is another way to reduce energy costs as well as lessen the environmental burden on the planet too. If you're not too sure what a low-pressure shower head is, it is fairly quick to gauge whether your new rental has high or low-pressure faucets or showerheads by judging the pressure at which water flows out of these fixtures. Or better yet why not just confirm with the landlord about it? If yours aren’t low-pressure, the good news is that they’re inexpensive and you can install them on your own, making them a budget-friendly solution that will save you money on your water bill each month. It’s also worth asking your landlord to buy and install them for you, since it’s an easy modification that will make their property appealing to eco-conscious millennials for years to come.

Check for ENERGY STAR appliances 

If you're looking for fully furnished rentals, check for ENERGY STAR appliances to ensure you are conserving as much energy as possible. In the same token, if you've already found your perfect rental and are looking for the ideal appliances to complement your eco-friendly rental, then opt for items with an energy-saving label. That way, you'll be assured that you are making the best environmentally sound choices for your new rental. 

Other environmentally friendly installation tips

Suppose you've got your heart set on your ideal rental space, but you think it could do with a few changes, or upgrades, here and there to make it even more functional. If your rental comes with regular light bulbs, why not suggest installing LED light bulbs instead to save on energy consumption? LED light bulbs can also end up saving you money in the long term as they are more energy-efficient than regular incandescent light bulbs and generally last longer too. 

Other things you can do include checking that your thermostat is an energy-efficient version and making sure that your property is inspected thoroughly to take care of any leaks that may be present that could actually work against conserving energy and which could actually end up increasing your energy bill quite a bit. 

Choose the right place

If your current landlord isn’t willing to make these modifications, maybe it’s time to look elsewhere. You might be thinking that with all the before-mentioned environmental factors to bear in mind, finding the perfect place for you and your family is going to be next to impossible. However, there are lots of properties out there, so take your time and don’t rush your research. You’re sure to find a place where you can be happy and live an eco-conscious lifestyle. If you’re an entrepreneur, look for cities that are committed to a green economy with things like accessibility for walkers and bikers, fair start-up costs and a commitment to sustainability.

Eco-friendly rentals that benefit the environment

While choosing an eco-friendly rental with all the features you want may seem a tall task, consider it necessary to achieve the results you're looking for. Moreover, finding the right eco-friendly rental will be all the more worth it when you eventually find it because you know it'll not be saving you on running costs, but it'll be benefiting the environment too. 


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